How To Get The Metaverse On Oculus Quest 2

Narinder Sharma
11 min readNov 1, 2022

As With the Re-branding of Facebook to Meta, there were so many people are only pegged to the question “How To get the metaverse On Oculus Quest 2?” As the Metaverse is a concept of Virtual reality, Meta Becomes the sensation for the Virtual World or Reality. Some, People become so enthusiastic about the concept of Meta, and those who don’t interest only wanted to know about the Metaverse. The metaverse has seen exponential growth in the last year and has the potential to become a trillion-dollar industry in the future. With the growing demands of metaverse platforms, technology opens the doors to millions of digital opportunities.

What Is The Metaverse?

In general, the metaverse is an immersive, hyperrealistic, and interactive virtual space that looks like Sensorium Galaxy. The best part of the metaverse is immersive which is created through the usage of highly advanced future technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

The technology looks like a Sensorium Galaxy that contains several virtual worlds within itself, therefore it allows users to have an engagement in a wide range of activities such as attending music concerts and dancing with the AI-driven virtual beings.

For instance, a virtual music concert is a good example of the metaverse. In this type of event, users can virtually attend the concert in an immersive virtual space with the implementation of advanced metaverse technologies.

According to a recent survey of game developers in the United States, it was found that over nearly half of respondents settled on a definition including varied technologies such as augmented reality.

In the meanwhile, the metaverse is a mixture of physical and digital promises to be more appealing rather than the current online infrastructure.

How to Enter the Metaverse on Oculus Quest 2

Introducing Oculus Quest 2

The Oculus Quest 2 is the best virtual reality headset available for most people. If you have just bought an Oculus Quest 2 and doesn’t how to enter the world of virtual reality world, this post surely helps you out.

Follow our Oculus Quest 2 step-by-step guide that helps you to set up Quest 2 quickly. In this post, we have covered all information regarding Oculus Quest 2 Box, its components, controllers, and Oculus app setup.

What is Oculus Quest 2 Box?

Firstly, There are lot more accessories included in the Oculus Quest 2 Box. So, Pull the tab on the bottom of the box to remove the plastic wrap. After that, you will certainly find some useful items inside including the following items:

  • Oculus Quest 2 headset
  • Silicone cover
  • Two touch controllers
  • Two AA batteries are inserted into the controllers
  • A charging cable and power adapter
  • A spacer for those who wear glasses
  • Reference materials

Next, Pull the tab near the Power button located on the right side of the headset to remove the wrapping. Also, you will find an optional silicone cover when you move your face. Remove these protective silicone cover plastics on both lenses.

The one thing you should understand is that the foam part of the headset is designed as removable. So, if you wear glasses, you should pull the foam insert out and thus place a glass spacer inside, and consequently replace the foam.

How To Get The Metaverse On Oculus Quest 2

For Adjusting your Quest 2 Headset, hold the power button on the right side for a few seconds. Next, pull the strap back and thus place it over your head and adjust it.

Next, Remove the headset, and after that use the two sliders on the back of the strap to adjust how tightly it fits. For tightening it, move the sliders toward the outside of the headset. And vice versa, move the sliders towards the center strap to loosen it.

Once you have a good fit, it is recommended by experts to put the headset back on. Identically, you can now remove Velcro from the top strap and consequently adjust it to get a comfortable fit on the top part.

Now, let’s set up an initial setup screen that lets you choose the controllers and connect to your Wi-Fi network.

In case the oculus quest 2 screen looks blurry, then remove the headset and push the lenses apart or close together and check the clarity of the screen.

After all, you need to install Oculus Quest 2 latest software updates. At this point, you can turn off your Oculus headset or plug it in to charge. The USB-C port is located on the left side of the Oculus Quest 2. Also, there’s a headphone jack. Along with it, Oculus Quest 2 has built-in speakers that feature connected headphones for more immersive audio. Requirements

Must Read:- Difference Between Metaverse and Virtual Reality?

Before you get into the straight dive to the Metaverse Apps, here are the few things that you will need to get full access to Metaverse.

If you wanted to formalize yourself with the Metaverse, you all need to use Oculus Quest 2. Oculus Quest 2 is the cheapest and the most convenient headset to get the full experience of Virtual Reality(VR).

There were Several Apps and games that are designed to get the best experience of the Metaverse. So if you had an Oculus Quest 2, so the next thing that you need to do is to download the Metaverse Application or Game.

As this was an obvious thing that is required in the Metaverse. Since the Concept of Metaverse is truly based on the Virtual World, to get the Virtual Connection between all the users, So to connect with others you need Wi-Fi COnnectivity all the time.

Steps to Enter The Metaverse On Oculus Quest 2

From the above paragraphs, you all learned and covered the essentials to get a great experience with Metaverse on Oculus Quest 2. So if you have downloaded the game or even the Metaverse app, you must put on your quests 2 headsets and proceed to launch the application.

Once you have done this, you need to follow the steps carefully that I mentioned below. To make it easy to understand I have listed step-wise steps, you read the step carefully.

  • Step 1 is to Put on your Quests 2 Headsets and turn on the power.
  • Step 2 is to choose the App Drawer Option from the Universal Menu. After that, you can use either controller to use the Metaverse. Now you can see the list of installed apps that will appear on your screen.
  • Step 3 is now you can select the app which you have installed. Now hit the trigger on any of your controllers to make a selection of the app or the game that you wanted to run in the Oculus Quest 2.
  • Step 4 is to wait for the game or app to open up.

Now the app or game is open on your VR Headsets, now you will be able to navigate the Metaverse Experience and lose yourself in the metaverse.

Must Read:- How To Create a Metaverse World?

6 Best Metaverse Games that You need to Play


The most popular game on the Metaverse Platform is “Roblox”. Roblox is a multiplayer gaming platform in which they have involved themselves in time and offer almost 30 million games for 56 million players all around the world.

If we talk about Roblox’s popularity, last year the total number of accounts registered on the Roblox Platform was almost 1.5 Billion. This Roblox platform is not only for players, the platform is also for those creators who create their games and provide the best games to the players. The majority of players in Roblox were playing multiplayer gameplay with their friends and relatives.

For game creators, if you created a world in Roblox. You must be wondering about how to earn Cryptocurrency in the game. Well, the answer is simple if you created a multiplayer game on the Roblox platform. If any of the players want any extra equipment. You can charge for the equipment and earn profits from Roblox. Also, the Roblox platform allows all the players to create their own Avatars and freely choose any games without any penny of the cost and invite their friends to play multiplayer games.

SandBox A Virtual World

The Sandbox Game was released in 2015. The main plot of the game is to perfectly set up the Metaverse. With time and skill, the developer has enhanced the game quality and the game experience. Sandbox offers you more than just a game experience to sandbox users. The Sandbox is not only for gaming, you can also do various things on the sandbox platforms.

A sandbox is a virtual world, in which you can do several activities. Like you can visit the NFT museums, dance clubs, etc.

So in this article, I will tell you the best things that you can do in the sandbox Metaverse. And I will be mentioning all the best places that you can visit in the Sandbox virtual world with the complete guide with the help of a VR headset. So let’s go forward to see the best things in the Sandbox Virtual World. To Know More about the Sandbox and you need to know 3 Awesome Things That You Can Do in the Sandbox Metaverse.


Moving on to the next list of games. So our next game who is collaborating with Metaverse is Minecraft. As you know Mojang’s Minecraft is one of the most popular games all over the world. Minecraft was launched in 2011 and its setting is perfect to play on the Metaverse Platforms.

The main plot of the Minecraft game is very much similar to that of Metaverse Games. Because the Metaverse game is now only supporting 2 Dimensional games for just testing. With the collaboration of Facebook, they process the Metaverse into a 3D virtual world.

Where there is also news that Mojang will plot Minecraft into the Metaverse which will be known as Minecraft Metaverse.

If we talk about Mojang’s Minecraft Gameplay, the user can play Minecraft in two different modes, Survival Mode and Creative Mode.

Survival Mode:

In the Survival Mode in which they will spawn you in a randomly generated world with limited hearts. Hearts are the symbol of your health. You have to protect yourself from the mobs and the creepers, etc. When the sun went down, there were many creatures like mobs, creepers, skeletons, etc. Wants your blood. So make sure you have to work quickly and find the nearby villages to craft your equipment to fight with creatures.

Creative Mode:

The Creative Mode is the perfect choice for those people who want to learn and practice. And for getting ready to play survival mode. There are unlimited hearts, and literally, no one can kill you. This model is made for those people who want to create new architectural structures without the distraction of dying. In this mode through inventory, you will get unlimited resources. Get access to all crafting items, with the several blocks that are not available in the survival mode. And the best part is you can easily travel and explore all over the world quickly because you can fly.


Fortnite is a battle royale game. And it has a perfect setting for the Metaverse Platforms. Because the game is designed by the collaboration of three gaming companies that is MOBA Games, Sandbox Games, and Zombies Attacks.

If we talk about the popularity of Fortnite. On October 1st, 2021 Fortnite organize a special virtual concert known as the virtual Travis Scott Concert. And the concert was record-breaking because in the virtual concert there were 12 million players joining the virtual concert from all around the world. This means there were 12 million people who joined to attend live concerts virtually. For these concerts, the company recreates O2 Arena in London to show the culture of the British Band.

Now we talk about Fortnite, which is much similar to battle royales like PUBG and Call Of Duty. But its Gameplay and its Graphics are much more realistic than other games. The main motto of this game is to land, loot, survive, and war in combat. You can play multiple in Solo, Duo, and Squad. This game can be played in three different modes: Fortnite: Save the World, Fortnite: Battle Royal, and Fortnite Creatives.

Fortnite: Save the word

Fortnite Save the world is a set world where 98% of the people were wiped away by the fluke storm and 2% of the world is under attack by the Zombies. Now the main motive of the game is that the remaining peoples of that world were reunited and made strategies to protect themselves from the attack of the Zombies. It much sounds like Recreate the Earth.

Fortnite: Battle Royal

In the Fortnite Battle Royal in which 100 players joined in the match from all over the world. All the players were dropped out into the map location with no weapons or armor. You need to collect the weapons from the houses, death creates, etc to fight with your opponent team players in the Game. The last player who stands out in the Game will win the Game. You can join this match solo, duo, and the squad also with your friends. Now you can think that you are playing Fortnite in 3D virtual graphics.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is one of the top games on the Metaverse Games list. And Axie Infinity is one of the most popular games to earn money. According to the news, during the 2021 Covid pandemic lockdown in June, in the Philippines, people were playing all day Axie Infinity and this game became the main source of income for the Philippines people.

Axie Infinity is an RPG game in which they allow the players to allow to trade into NFTs. I know it is very much hard to understand for those people who didn’t play Axie Infinity.

Axie infinity had a creature called Axis. They were a type of animal that played buy, trade, and breed and put the animals into the arena for the fight.

To get started with Axie Infinity you need to purchase at least three Axis because the Axis fight only in groups. It has a One-to-One battle mode to fight.

When it comes to the Metaverse Platform it would have become the best game. For these, it uses two token coins for its ecosystem. The two tokens are $AXS and $SLP.

$AXS(Axie Infinity Shards)

The $AXS ( Axie Infinity Shards) token, will give you the right to vote and take decisions in the game functionalities and Treasury funds spending.

$SLP (Smooth Love Potion)

If you want to earn these tokens, you have to fight in the adventure mode and the other players who are on the platform.

This game has seen continuous growth in its graph and its popularity is expected to grow in the future with the help of the metaverse. If you wanted to invest in any Metaverse Project, you should consider this game to invest your money. It should give you a high return in the future.

My Neighbour Alice

Recently Facebook announced that it will release its Metaverse giving Gaming Companies a new direction. The game is based on the Meta-verse plots in a 2D project to a new level. Like if we talk about the “My Neighbour Alice” game.

If we talk about Game, My Neighbour Alice is an RPG game that allows players to purchase the virtual plot in the game. The game uses the $Alice token. To use these tokens, the user has to purchase in-game products like building houses in their virtual plot or doing anything in the plot. In the game, players can interact with their neighbors as they want to build the type of community that they want. This game is probably released on the Steam platform in mid-2022.

Originally published at on November 1, 2022.



Narinder Sharma

Narinder Sharma is a Professional Software developer who writes on Metaverse, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. You can find his work at https://theinsigh